The Money Times | State Corn/Soybeans Weather Reports AgWeb - 11 hours ago Hay supplies have become short as weather conditions prevented the harvest of new hay. Severe weather and ponded water in pastures damaged fences and ... Corn Deluged by Iowa, Illinois Rain Cuts Yields, Boosts Prices Bloomberg Wet weather limit fieldwork on MN farms but crops progress WKBT CBOT Soy Review: Stumble; Crude Oil Losses, Dollar Strength The Futures Market Kankakee Daily Journal - MarketWatch all 159 news articles |
Daily Show Crew Analyses Hillary’s Concession
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 16:56:32 PDT
Meeting of the logistics planning committee deferred
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:02:44 PDT
Meeting of the logistics planning committee deferred June 11th, 2008 Last night we had an emergency meeting of the crime and security committee instead as we were, alas, burgled. I got a phone call at work in the late afternoon. Our childminder said and I quote “something has happened at the house.” Of course, I instantly thought that something had happened to one of the children and had gone from imagining them in hospital to seeing their lifeless bodies stretched out before me by the tim